Foot Baths Info

Copper Ionic Foot Detox
We use the optimum ionic copper foot baths at our office.
There are a couple of reasons why we chose this specific foot bath.
We like to see those heavy metals pulled out of the body! Since heavy metal toxicity leads to illness and disease.
Did you know your feet have the largest pores in the body? This makes the foot an ideal modality for detoxifying the body. But it doesn’t stop there. These treatments cause other ions to be transported throughout the body via the circulatory and lymphatic system. The ions from the foot bath system neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. As a result, all the body’s organs become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through urination, elimination, and sweating. As the toxins leave the body it opens the cells to be able to take in necessary minerals such as magnesium which helps us to feel relaxed and assist in lowering inflammation and pain.

Pretty cool! Come try it out!
